Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is it funny or sad the White House and the dem party are so preoccupied with a talk radio rant DJ?

You would think they would have greater concerns.Is it funny or sad the White House and the dem party are so preoccupied with a talk radio rant DJ?
It's sad and ironic. The Obama team is conducting an unprecedented campaign to marginalize Limbaugh, and by extension, the entire Republican party by labeling him its leader. The funny thing to me is to see how quickly the YA liberals took up the chant. These are people who regularly disparage Republicans as mindless minions of Rush Limbaugh, capable only of repeating his rants. And yet they all flock here to parrot the latest Democrat talking points about Limbaugh being the ';leader'; of the Republican party.Is it funny or sad the White House and the dem party are so preoccupied with a talk radio rant DJ?
It's sad and, I suppose, scary. If Comrade General Secretary Obama gets his panties in a bunch over a couple of private citizens voicing their opinions, I wouldn't be surprised if he would use the power of his office to sic government agencies on said private citizens and other private citizens who push back at his socialist agenda. Like me for example.
In typical liberal fashion it's very revealing about the weakness of their argument that not one of the people answering this question could think of one specific thing to say in criticism of Limbaugh. They can't point to anything he's said that is actually wrong. As one of the Watergate burglars said, ';In a battle of wits, they are unarmed.';
That's because he's your demigod. By their own admission, he's the voice of the GOP. Of course they should be concerned with things he has to say.

If he was nothing more to the GOP than a ';talk radio rant DJ', then why do they scream and cheer and grovel at his feet they way they do?
No its quite ingenuous the way someone is getting played like a fiddle.

Did Rush attack a Democrat or a Republican.

Was that person a conservative that supports American unity?

Looks like Rush is suiciding the neocons to protect his celeberty status.

I guess we can all see what is more important to Rush Limbaugh, and it isn't America.
I think it is a great divide and conquer strategy now that Steele has abdicated his throne to Rush Limbaugh.

It has everyone focused on the mismangement of the GOP and not on the bumbling of the economy in the White House.
I don't see how the white house is preoccupied with it. The only thing I see on the news about the white house and president are things that have to do with the economy. I think it's sad that you're using your time to make false claims about people.
I agree that control over the media (and the intelligencia) is step one to taking control.

This Limbaugh thing was started by Rahm Emanuel. It is a smoke screen.

Nothing else. It takes up the time we need to talk about real stuff.
No more preoccupied than a carpenter is with his hammer. They're using him rather effectively against the republican party right now- which sort of makes Rush Limbaugh a tool, at least in a more literal sense than before.
I think it is very sad that the white house loses focus on priorities and

buys in to the mediatric opinion of a man who has an addictive personality and is quite frankly lost his own priorities.
Rush the fearless leader of the republican party

and his sidekicks Beck, Hannity and Bill'o

wow the republican party is a joke
All it is, is smoke and mirrors. They just don't want the American people to focus on real issues. That way it's easier to push through things that hinder the American people, but help the politicians (pocket books).
The republicans are preoccupied with Oxyrush. That's why they made him their leader. It's funny to answer your question, to see how stupid the republican party really is.
i think its funny that folks think people are actually giving rush any more attention just because he's been speaking at a few conferences....just wishful thinking by folks who are clearly out of touch.
No, what I think is funny (and sad) is how Republican leadership can't even speak their mind without having to lick *** after the fact.
You are the one bringing it up, i dont really remember seeing any questions posted by a member of democtratic party about it....

The first and most important thing any dictatorship does during a take-over, is control of the media.

And Rush is the Conservative Media.
Not as funny as the fact that he is the leader of the Republican party.
You mean the very fat and racist Rush Limbaugh.

He is the face of the Republican Party.
The media is preoccupied with it. Rahm Emmanuel said one phrase about it. They have run with it. That's all.
Gotta divert attention, my friend. They're trying to prop Rush up as the leader of the right. It'll work for the simple-minded who are easily swayed.
its just to keep the base foaming... instead of asking why do they need another $410 Billion in earmarks.....

Rining in the sheep
It's funny that you are so sad and continue to spread untruths.
Its pretty sad. Rush is liking the extra attention.
I find it more sad that so many people take that whack job seriously.
Its just something else in the news.

That does not preoccupied make.
Its a sad sort of funny. Like watching someone trip in an Olympic run.

';Hahahaha... awww, that broke his dream.';
They don't have time to read the Stimulus package but have time to trash republicans even though they are getting what they want anyway.They are dumb!

There was a democratic congressman on TV the other day- he said congress people were adding things to the bill in the middle of the night they did not know were in it. DAH- they must have known it was in it if they know it was added in the middle of the night!!! SO PUNISH WHO WROTE THOSE AND ADDED THEM DUMBOS!
Absolutely Hysterical.

Slykitty, Rahm Emmanuel is not the only person to say anything, Its been a few weeks but President Obama has told congress to stop listening to Rush. They are Obsessed with the man.


U S Army

It proves what an insecure little prig obama really is----now if we could just shut HIM UP!!

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